Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lazy Sunday

This is probably going to be a relatively short post because although my weekend was nice and relaxing, I didn't really do anything too exciting so I'm kinda limited on things to write about! Friday I saw Julie and Julia which was amazing, and I thought Meryl Streep, Stanley Tuccci, and Amy Adams were FANTASTIC! The movie also kinda inspired me to start cooking (or in my case learning to cook...boiling water to add pasta, and making tacos are kinda the extent of my abilities right now haha.) Maybe it's just me, but while I love the idea of cooking (I always save yummy recipes that I find on blogs, and own a ton of cookbooks) I never get around to actually making any of it, however after seeing the movie I definitely want to try my hand at it, although I'm probably going to wait awhile until I tackle Julia Child!

Saturday I met up with my friends L and N in Back Bay for lunch and then we ended up walking around Newberry Street which was fun. I got some great pre-fall things at H&M, Second Time Around, and (surprisingly) American Apperal. American Apperal always kinda intimidates me, and I never think I'm cool enough to walk in the store, let alone buy anything from there, but I found a really cute striped skirt that will be perfect for late summer, and fall, when I can layer it over some tights. One thing that I love about that store and H&M is that I always crack up though at the salespeople because you can always tell that they're trying SO hard to be edgy that it ends up looking a little of the sales girls in H&M was rocking platinum blone hair, giant grandfather glasses, a nose ring (not a stud, but a hoop that sticks a bulls) and this poofy flower dress that was layered over stirrup leggings...I guess her outfit was kinda cool and it was definitely unique haha but the whole thing was a little much!

Last night I stayed home and had dinner with my family, and ended falling asleep on the couch (sad I know haha) and woke up at 3am, so once I made it up to bed, I couldn't get back to sleep until 5am...UGH! Today has been a VERY lazy day, mainly due to the cloudy weather outside, but at least I have an excuse to stay inside all day and read which is fine by me! I guess this post wasn't as short as I thought it was going to be, but that's about it for now. Off to meet up with Jillian, and then looking forward to True Blood, Entourage, and Army Wives tonight, and also this show Defying Gravity that's on anyone else watching it? It's alittle weird but kinda good and makes for a fun summer show. Have a great Sunday night!



  1. Entourage always completes my weekend!!

    And I totally know what you mean about the sales people at H+M!!

  2. Entourage is the best! I haven't seen True Blood yet or Julia and Julia for that matter. I can't wait!

  3. a lazy sunday is a good sunday. : )

  4. thanks so much for stopping by my blog! i can't wait to read up on yours!! :) happy monday!

  5. I'm glad that you liked Julie and Julia. I was thinking about seeing it, but wasn't sure if it would be good or not. I know what you mean about some of those sales associates, too, and I also love it when they try to wear everything in the store at one time!
