Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Long LONG Day

Do you ever have those days that you dread before they even start? Today is DEFINITELY one of those days. I have a full day of classes (10-11, 1115-1245, 2-4, 5-630), career fair (from 3-7) that I have to squeeze in between my afternoon classes, uncooperative professors (I told my professor of my 5pm class that I had to go to career fair, obviously so I can get a job, and he said that he guessed it was "ok" if I came late but I had to make sure to come today. Ummm I'm sorry not to be rude but buddy you teach a freshman 100 level class that I have to take for a general requirement and I have to get a job!) an equestrian team workout at 8pm, and then going from the rec to the library so that I can study all night for a microbiology final that I have tomorrow. Not to mention the fact that I'm carrying two bags with my books for today and my interview clothes so I kinda look like a bag lady haha.

WHEW! I'm seriously tired just from writing all of that! Literally the only thing that is getting me through today is knowing that Grey's is tomorrow, and I'll have a nice (big) glass of wine when I'm watching it...haven't yet decided if that makes me an alcoholic or not haha! I also can't WAIT for Friday because that's when my housemate and I will be making a pilgrimage to the new Nordstroms thats opening in our area!! Anyhoo sorry for the early morning babble, and I hope you all have a great wednesday!!


  1. Whew, that does sound like a long day. Good luck getting through it!

  2. Breathe sister! That is one full day. Just keep on trucking with Nordstoms in your head, kind of like "whistle while you work." = )

  3. Focus on Nordstrom's...that should get you through the day. Hell, its getting me through my day and I'm not even going:)

    The one thing about being so busy, is that the day tends to fly right by (at least that is how it is for me) soon enough it will be Thursday evening and we'll be finding out what happens at Seattle Grace

  4. Aw girl ... I hope that your days goes by quickly and without a hitch! Good luck, xoxo

    p.s. SO JEALOUS your going to Nordstroms!

  5. Best of luck getting through the day! I hope something comes of the job fair!!

  6. Good luck with the interviews! I sport the "Bag Lady" look daily with my gym bag and work tote, its pretty hot if I do say so myself!

  7. Sounds like a busy busy day, to say the least. Good luck with the career fair and hopefully your douch of a prof. will be cool with everything.

  8. That definitely sounds like a very long day! Just keep that glass of wine in your head and it will all go by before you know it.

    Yay for Nordstrom! :)

  9. Sounds like such a busy day! Here's to you making it through and celebrating with Grey's and a trip to the new Nordstrom's (how fun)! I hope you find yourself a little something as a reward for all of that hard work!

  10. ohh it sure does sound like a busy day!! good luck with everything!!

  11. Hope things have improved for you.... and at least you have something to look forward to !!!

  12. Hope your day gets better love, at least you get to relax and watch Grey's, I am looking forward to it as well!

  13. wow, a long day. good luck with job hunting.
